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Breast Reduction
Sometimes large breasts can place strain on a woman’s body, causing neck and back pain. Often, women with large breasts feel awkward in social situations because their large chest attracts unwanted attention. For these cases, Dr. Loessin can perform breast reduction surgery, which balances out the patient’s proportions and eases discomfort.
During the surgery, Dr. Loessin removes excess skin, fat, and tissue from the breasts and may reposition the nipple higher on the breast to give it a slight lift. Many of our breast reduction patients have told us that they feel more confident and comfortable with their proportional bust, and enjoy higher self-esteem.
Like any other surgical procedure, any risks of having a breast reduction are lessened if you are physically healthy and a non-smoker. Nevertheless, as with any surgery, there is always a possibility of complications, including bleeding, infection, or reaction to the anesthesia. You can reduce your risks by closely following the written instructions we provide you before and after surgery. In addition, it is important that you have a positive outlook and specific, but realistic, goals.
Breast Reduction – Frequently Asked Questions
Who is a candidate for Breast Reduction?
In general, the best candidates for breast reduction are women:
- 18 years of age or older
- Mature enough to fully understand the procedure
- Whose activities are limited due to large breasts
- Experiencing physical discomfort due to large breasts
- Not currently pregnant or breastfeeding
- Not intending to breastfeed in the futureIn good physical and psychological health
- Wanting to improve their appearance and/or comfort
- Realistic in their expectations
The above is only a partial list of the criteria. During your consultation, Dr. Loessin will evaluate you to determine whether or not this procedure is appropriate for you.
Although breast reduction is not a simple operation, it is normally safe when performed by a board certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Loessin is double board certified, holding certifications in both plastic and general surgery. This means that Dr. Loessin has earned board certification by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) in both plastic surgery and general surgery.
Some patients develop small sores around their nipples after surgery, which are usually treated with topical antibiotic cream. The procedure leaves noticeable, permanent scars, although your bra or bathing suit can cover them. (Poor healing and wider scars are more common in smokers.) The procedure can also leave you with slightly mismatched breasts or unevenly positioned nipples.
Future breast-feeding may not be possible, since the surgery removes many of the milk ducts leading to the nipples.
Some patients may experience an indefinite loss of feeling in their nipples or breasts. Rarely, the nipple and areola may lose their blood supply and the tissue will die. If this happens, the nipple and areola can usually be rebuilt using skin grafts from elsewhere on the body.
After surgery, you will be wrapped in a surgical bra over gauze dressings. You may feel some discomfort for the first day after surgery, especially when you move around or cough. However, prescription pain medication will help lessen the pain.
If you have questions about either breast reduction or breast enlargement surgery, please contact board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Scott Loessin. Dr. Loessin’s Key West, Florida plastic surgery office serves residents of all of the Florida Keys and surrounding communities. Call Dr. Loessin today at 305-809-8011 .